Two Pond Farm is the home of Allison Hosford, the farmer who also happens to be a water color artist.
Two Pond Farm is located at: 176 Weaver Road, West Milford, NJ 07480 To learn about the farm, click on the button above.
Allison hosts weekly water coloring sessions at the farm every Tuesday morning (rain, snow, or shine). These are not classes! They are opportunities for artists who want to paint every week, to paint with other artists in a friendly, supportive environment. Whenever possible we paint pleine air on the farm.
Once or twice a year she also offers an intensive Watercoloring 101 Workshop for adults.
The nextWater Coloring 101 Workshop for Adults is not yet scheduled. I am gathering a list of people who are interested, and will let each of you know as soon as I've set a date! For details about the workshop, click on the menu selection at the top of this page for 'the workshops'.